Grow Your ICT Program
With our ICT expertise we help community colleges ensure student success with relevant, scalable and sustainable pathways, fundable project solutions and industry guidance reports. Ask for a custom opportunity assessment for your college!
ICT-Digital Media Sector Team
The ICT-Digital Media Sector team focuses on relevant and effective skills training in the ICT sector. Working with employers, recruiters and colleges, our statewide team of 12 ICT Regional Directors of Employer Engagement identify and advance successful and trusted educational strategies, or pathways, for all students – entry, advanced, and incumbent.
Business Applications Software
There are more than 200,000 jobs available for office professionals in California each year. Prepare students with the business technology skills they need for entry-level through advanced positions in a variety of industries.
IT-Networking Cybersecurity
Many entry-level jobs in IT don’t require a 4-year degree. Help your students get training and industry certifications that lead to well-paying, in-demand jobs in computer networking and cybersecurity.
Computer Science
The California Community College Computer Science Associate Degree
for Transfer is the smart and economical way
to transfer to a CSU. Best practices ensure success.
Digital Media
Unleash the communications potential of incumbent workers and new students with digital media skills for a wide range of occupations and business needs.
Enhance and publicize your
Entertainment classes statewide and help students break into the
industry ecosystem.
Our live weekly webinar series helps educators stay up-to-date on the latest trends and technologies in the fast-changing world of ICT!
Join us on Fridays at 10:00 a.m. for special guest speakers and lively discussions with your colleagues across the state. Prior webinars, presentations and related support material available here
Upcoming Webinars
December 4 – Partnering with Community-Based Organizations to Create Innovative Approaches for Preparing the Workforce of the Future
December 11 – Virtual Labs Update: Practice Labs User Group Discussion
BayICT Creates Partnerships in the Bay Region
A new consortium in the Bay Region is bringing together educators, employers, and community partners to meet ICT workforce demand across the area. BayICT launched earlier this fall with the goal of informing and supporting the Bay Area community...
Butte College Partners with Local Tech Startup Incubator Chicostart to Offer Industry Engagement Opportunities
By Wendy Porter, ICT-DM Regional Director, Far North Region Butte College is pleased to have this new chance for students to access the thriving entrepreneurial and tech hub in downtown Chico. Chicostart represents a perfect example of cross-sector...
Systematic Approach in Engaging Employers Takes Center Stage at CCCAOE Conference
Since June, nearly 100 students throughout the South Central Coast have received job placements as a result of the region’s Guided Pathways pillar four (ensure learning) approach to work-based learning and employer engagement. Paula Hodge, ICT-DM...
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Contact the Domain Owner: [email protected]